inflammation of theology

Tuesday 14 July 2009

Journey to Heaven

Peristiwa Isra' Mi'raj

Rasanya, tak perlulah untuk diceritakan dengan panjang peristiwa ini.Peristiwa perjalanan Rasulullah ke Baitul Maqdis dan seterusnya ke Langit.(kenapa mesti singgah dulu ke Baitul Maqdis? ada yang percaya bahawa di sanalah merupakan portal ke langit)

Book of Arda Viraf

Zoroaster, atau nama yang biasa kita dengar : Majusi.
malas nak cerita panjang mengenai Majusi...jadi, sila baca ini.

terbaca sedikit kandungan kitab Majusi, Book of Arda Viraf... yang menceritakan kisah
Arda yang mengambara ke langit dibawa oleh Srosh dan Adar menaiki Griffin.

Arda...namun yang ini tiada kaitan dgn Arda Viraf

Sedikit petikan dari kisah tersebut:

Arda Viraf is chosen for his piety to undertake a journey to the next world in order to prove the truth of Zoroastrian beliefs, after a period when the land of Iran had been troubled by the presence of confused and alien religions. He drinks wine and a hallucinogen, after which his soul travels to the next world where it is greeted by a beautiful woman named Den who represents his faith and virtue. Crossing the Chinvat bridge, he is then conducted by "Srosh, the pious and Adar, the angel" through the "star track", "moon track" and "sun track" – places outside of heaven reserved for the virtuous who have nevertheless failed to conform to Zoroastrian rules. In heaven, Viraf meets Ahura Mazda who shows him the souls of the blessed (ahlav). Each person is described living an idealised version of the life he or she lived on earth, as a warrior, agriculturalist, shepherd or other profession.[4] With his guides he then descends into hell to be shown the sufferings of the wicked. Having completed his visionary journey Viraf is told by Ahura Mazda that the Zoroastrian faith is the only proper and true way of life and that it should be preserved in both prosperity and adversity.

Kisah di atas sedikit sebanyak mirip kisah Isra' Mi'raj...tidak pula di kaji kaitannya dengan Rasulullah.
Tahniah kepada Hafzi kerana terpilih menjadi panel Isra' Mi'raj